Meet CoHealth
A single place to share engaging health content
Enable discoverability through powerful search and thoughtful organization
Easily upload, organize and manage content through scalable content organization tools
Understand content performance and impact better than ever before with utilization data.
Your content is surrounded by tools that make it easy for people to share and track health measures, manage meds, and more.
We provide a secure platform, top-tier customer support, and peace of mind.
A Closer Look
All Health Content When and Where It’s Wanted
Share any kind of content: text, images, PDFs, videos, and more, in any language on CoHealth’s mobile platform. Reach people where they already are and extend your impact as a result.
Measure Utilization For Better Understanding
CoHealth’s advanced analytics give you insights into which pieces of content are resonating with consumers. Measure performance over time and evolve your content strategy as needed. Try doing that with paper!
Tools That Promote Action
Content drives action. Use CoHealth to track and manage medications, measure and visualize indicators like blood pressure, weight, or heart rate, and share progress, key information, or updates with whoever you’d like.